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Archive / 2011

Mumbai Studio X, Columbia University
Posted by Ulysses on 2nd October, 2011

Some images from the exhibition Unplannable City recently curated at Studio X Mumbai.  The work included excerpts from Design Unit 5 at the University of … Read more


Posted by Ulysses on 6th July, 2011

This is a little late, but it is worth posting news about the 9th Meeting of AESOP Thematic Group on Complexity and Planning. This meeting/conference … Read more


Posted by Ulysses on 16th March, 2011

Mao Shan Temple Masterplan from softgrid_limited on Vimeo. This is a short video describing our investigation attempting to integrate the formalistic relationships of the Forbidden … Read more

Posted by Ulysses on 12th February, 2011

Preliminary design for a meditation villa as part of the Wan Shou Gong Taoist Temple Masterplan Complex. The idealistic natural environment on this beautiful mountainside … Read more


Posted by Ulysses on 4th January, 2011

Softgrid’s entry for the Taiwan Tower Conceptual Design Competition (SKY-MILL) received a Merit Award. We have added additional images of the competition to this post. … Read more